

  • Are you sure you weigh 186? I weigh 184 and look nothing like that. You look wonderful. Good for you!
  • It's that 2nd week. I did the same thing and by the time my 3rd week came I'd lost it all again plus another pound. This is my 3rd week and I've lost 3 lbs. I was hoping for a bit more, but know this is okay and it's the healthy way to lose. Good luck.
  • I'm so happy I found these posts!! I am gearing up for my New Year's eve party tonight and thus will be enjoying my Chardonnay...probably 4-5 glasses. As with many of you I too drink my wine every night and it's never 1-2 glasses, but the whole bottle. I have such a hard time losing weight. I'm a healthy eater and an avid…
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