

  • So happy for you that you have your new weights. I picked up the Bowflex Selecttechs and love them. No more being limited by the "little" weights! And, yes, new equipment always gives one a motivation boost! I don't really follow the nutrition guide particularly closely. I tried my best to eat 50% protein (as calculated by…
  • Glad I'm not the only one who had problems with Core Synergistics. And since we don't do it again until the next recovery week, I'm sure I'll have forgotten everything I did and will be just as lost as I was the first time! Oh well. "Do your best, and forget the rest!" Today was my rest day, so I just did X Stretch, which…
  • Hey all. Check-in time. I'm on track and on schedule. Today was yoga, not all of which I can do - some of the moves are too advanced, so, like Kelly suggests, I modify, modify, modify. I'm getting stronger and more flexible, so at least I'm making some progress. Diet has been a problem this past week. Too many dinners out!…
  • The diet part is the most difficult, I find. If you've been sticking with 50% protein, you've probably gotten entirely through your store of easy energy. Next week, when we go back to a more normal diet, your energy level should increase. Are you, by the way, doing a recovery drink after your workouts? And are you drinking…
  • Struggle is okay; frustration not so much. If you started with the rest of the group, you should be in the Recovery Week right now. At the end of this week, we should all do a round of pictures and - most importantly - of measurements. Those measurements are what count - NOT the scales. In P90X the scales are not your…
  • I LOVE that you have discussions with yourself. I do as well. Sometimes not so brief! I also love that you talked yourself into fitting in your workout even though it was late. You can be forgiven for blowing off ARX at that point! Keep pushing-play - and Bring It!
  • I want to echo Kelly. I'm sorry for your loss. Hugs all around. Stay strong.
  • njean888: I also am not losing weight on Phase One of P90X. I'm staying under my calorie goal, and I'm eating more protein than carbs - which is a lot more protein than I would normally consume - but I'm not losing. Not really gaining to speak of, thank goodness! But I feel lighter, and my clothes fit better, and I'm more…
  • Don't let the weight gain bother you, especially not at this point in the program. Remember - muscle is heavier than fat but also more compact. Pay attention to how you feel and how your clothes fit. That's what matters.
  • Doing great so far. Today was my Plyo day. Plyo is the workout I have the most trouble with - apparently I don't much like leaving the ground. But I did it. Kenpo X I don't mind, and Yoga X is really pretty good once you get over how long it is. But can I tell you? You know how you get all relaxed at the end and start…
  • Love your attitude about the weight - it's really all about how we feel and how we look in our clothes. The scales are irrelevant. Keep at it. Keep getting stronger and fitter and healthier.
  • Hi, everyone. Want to emphasize Kelly's point about the weight gain. Remember, we're building muscle, which is heavier than fat but also more compact. We just need to relax and be patient. A lot of the real gains won't manifest themselves until Phase Three. But the gains WILL come! Oh, and I'm also a Beachbody coach.…
  • Well, I started Week Two! I think I did a little better with the workout this time around. Almost forgot the ARX routine. I wonder if that's a psychological statement! But I buckled down and did it. There are still moves that I can't even do once, let alone 25 times! But I will keep trying, and eventually it'll happen.…
  • To LilyInLove: I can't for the life of me do rock star jumps either. Especially not so far into the workout. By that point I can barely get my poor rubbery legs off the floor. But we will both get there. Just keep Bringing It!
  • Bunch of newcomers to this thread. That's great. Welcome to you all! This is shaping up to be a fantastic support group. I completed Yoga X this morning. The first half of the workout had me sweating up a storm. It's a real workout! I'm pretty tight, so a lot of the individual moves were difficult, but I did my best. Look…
  • Got through Shoulders and Arms and Ab Ripper X this morning. Shoulders and Arms almost felt like a breather after Plyometrics! Man, that really took it right out of me. But ARX makes up for it all. I can't even do some of the moves at all - I just visualize doing them and hope that eventually I'll actually be able to do…
  • To Abby459: I can't do a push up or a pull up either, but I always try to do at least one push up before I resort to the kneeling position. One of these days I'm going to be able to do one - and then two and then... Same with pull ups. I just keep increasing the resistance. It'll come, and there's no deadline to worry…
  • Hi, everyone. Special note to Holly: Don't be afraid of P90X. It is a heck of a workout, but there are modifications you can make, and you really just work within your own ability. As long as you do your honest best, you'll improve each week. Tony himself is very forgiving - Do your best, and forget the rest! Ordinary…
  • Did the plyo this morning. Wow. What a workout! Wanted to just stop about half way through but stuck it out. I'm glad I did - knew I would be. Great sense of accomplishment once you've stopped sweating and begin to feel half human again. How is everyone else doing?
  • Completed my first day of P90X Classic. I considered Lean, but I want to tone muscle first to make sure my metabolism is working for me. It's a tough workout! Definite muscle burn and a fair amount of grunting and groaning. LOT of grunting and groaning! Now I need to work on the diet part. Haven't been hungry all day, so…
  • Hi. I just found this post. I've been gearing up to start P90X on October 1 anyway, so I'd love to be part of the group. I'm pretty intimidated by the exercise program; I'm also, I think, going to be challenged by the diet! Any tips? I don't cook a lot, so I'm going to take the portion approach and rely on My Fitness Pal…