

  • Hi! My name is Jill and I dont have any friends either. I'll be your diet buddy. :)
  • Hi! You've done such a good job! KEEP IT UP! I was 240, well on my way to 300. We love, love FOOD!!! And I'm a good cook -DOES NOT HELP! ;) I became really depressed after I retired from the Air Force, sat around and did nothing. It was hard to exercise befor/after my total right hip replacement. I was 39 at the time. I'm…
  • This site is sooo cool!!! Do you have a smartphone? Thats how I got addicted to this site. Its so easy to track calories even before you eat!! If you have question about the site I could help. I've been all over checking it out! :)
  • Morning Everyone! My name is Jill and I'm trying get my BMI under 35 so we can start fertility shots. This site has been a God send!
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