b0t23 Member


  • What a Cluster Everything But The.. Half Baked Peanut Butter Banana Frozen Yogurt is DAMN good too
  • When I was sick and taking nyquil I logged my calories. of course, I would worry more about feeling better than anything else. but I did log them. just eat/drink lots of soup. soup is usually low calorie. drink TONS of water. sip cups of chicken broth.
  • I also agree that jogging slowly in combination with walking is a good fat burning exercise and will also build your endurance slower than if you run all out until having to start walking. learning a good pace is one of the hardest things about running and jogging. and congrats on ANY sort of running! a lot of people just…
    in running : / Comment by b0t23 June 2012
  • wow! You should put image tags in front of those links so everyone can see your remarkable transformation! pit this one in front of the link on the same line
  • I wouldnt trip out so much on one day start a new day and forget about it
    in Blew it!!! Comment by b0t23 May 2012
  • do core exercises http://www.livestrong.com/article/21649-ab-exercises-lower-back-injury/
  • great job! lookin hot!
  • after my 40 pounds lost I have since slowly bought more and more new clothes as I need them. but now some stuff I bought in the new sizes are loose. I mean, it is a good thing, but I don't want to have to keep buying new clothes. even if I don't lose a lot of weight in numbers I still get skinnier, which mean most clothes…
  • seriously some amazing transformations in this thread! I wish i had taken better body shots of my before.
  • Seriously! That is awesome. You are a natural. Good job. I can't wait to be running again. Go you.
  • yoga really helped me regain lost flexibility vinyasa and hatha I didnt need the cardio aspect of some other types of yoga and dont enjoy the bikram style
  • awesome! my first full jogging 5k was over 2 weeks ago good job! dont worry about your time, you will get faster
    in I ran a 5K! Comment by b0t23 May 2012
  • look up "skinny fat"
  • big thanks, it feels good but its always ongoing.
  • i was a little scruffy that day haha
  • yeah everyone told me I looked younger.
  • exercising burns fat, typically it builds muscle, which also burns fat faster it strengthens your heart it helps with your energy level I exercise to feel good, eat more moving and being active is really good for you. if you simply eat a calorie deficit with no exercise, you will lose muscle along with fat basically not…
  • cycling changed my life I say got for it!
  • i also would say strength training a few times a week would help you burn fat.
  • I think you should channel the insecurity into motivation. its amazing how getting yourself in better shape really does help that confidence. I am sure he is really happy with you now, but imagine his face when he pulls the shower curtain aside and you are like HEY, here I am, slimmer and ready. Better fitness = better sex.
  • I recently completed my first 5k where I jogged/ran the entire way , in 32.5 minutes I had previously done a 5k where I ran, walked, then jogged, and I did it in under 29 minutes I don't regularly jog but I do a lot of cycling, body weight exercises, and yoga I think a lot of it, like with most exercises, is mental. And…
  • the last 5k I did, I basically ran the first mile in 7 minutes, then walked 1 mile, then jogged the last one. Granted I did it in 28 minutes but I really wanted to start jogging and then running the whole thing. someone told me about "negatives" where you do runs that start out really slow and then at the end you run…
    in NSV! 5K ran! Comment by b0t23 April 2012
  • Someone basically holds your feet or legs and helps you. If you do not have anyone to help you, you can try negative pullups. These will also help you get closer to your goal of doing a pullup or chinup by yourself. Negative pull-ups or chin-ups are basically when you start in the up position of a pull-up or chin-up and…
  • how often do you do strength training? what type of strength training and for how long each time? I think if you are consistently active doing strength training you could adjust your activity level within your profile settings. You could also get a heart rate monitor and try to calculate the calories lost that way. Don't…
  • first few weeks or so for me, not much came off then boom just stick with it for awhile.
  • Awesome! Great job. Yesterday I ran my first 5k without stopping or walking. 10 minute miles. Feels F-ing great. Did it all on my own. One thing I will say to help you jog the whole way without stoping- take the first mile or 2 slow. Every time you think about it, slow down your pace. Try to run at a speed where you can…
    in NSV! 5K ran! Comment by b0t23 April 2012
  • Wow, seriously congratulations. I keep thinking about going back to College
    in NSV- GED Comment by b0t23 April 2012
  • I would go with what MFP says it is telling you that going by your height, weight, and activity level. you could eat as much as 2880 and not gain weight. might sound high but I am sure it is pretty accurate. if you wanna lose 2 pounds a week at the same activity level you are at, you can eat 1880. If you think that is not…
  • Today I ran a whole 5k, little over actually, without stopping or walking first for me in my whole life and it felt great