

  • Wow, talking about the mythilogical chicken testicles and masterbation in the same post here, never thought I would see that Coming. HAHAHAHAHAHA
  • Awesome!!! Welcome!!!! I'm abig ole fatty too, so you fit right in with me. I may not be a teacher, or have a job at all, but I am a stay at home mom of a 2 and 3 year old so time is not easy for me to come by either. I agree with engineman about the writing it all out before your meals so you can keep better track and…
  • OKay, well imagine she is seeing an 18 year old boy, he is legal, she isn't. Hello, that's statutory rape, it isn't throwing around the word rape, it's true. I agree with the other comment
  • I have 4 daughters, okay, so they are 7, 6, 3, and 2, and one 11 year old stepson, I have talked to my stepson bout sex and asked him to please be smart and at least hold out till he is 16 or 17. I know I can't stop them from having sex, but I can at least talk HIM into waiting until he is more mature and maybe more grown…