evileene Member


  • Jessica--homebirth is absolutely not for everyone. The best thing anyone can do is research for themselves and see what THEY are comfortable with. I know a lot of people I know are freaked that I would like to give birth unassisted--again, something that is NOT for everyone. There are some terrific books out there on the…
  • Jessica, I think you can view it through Amazon on demand or something like that? I didn't know there even was such a thing, but someone told me that. It's about basically the idea that birth can be pleasurable, that it's not all about pain and fear and stuff. There were home births, there were hospital births--they were…
  • Hi :) I'm new here--originally started an account almost a year ago and never used it. I'm a 36 year old Navy wife, stepmom to an adorable almost 7 year old boy and mom to a little girl about to turn 3. I had made a deal with the hubs that we'd both get down to a healthy weight and then start TTC--and then we found out he…