Mwhitney76 Member


  • Not bad today... still a little crazy but stayed close to my calorie range and got more steps in today.... so all good... hope everyone has a good weekend. I won't be back on till monday.
  • Hello everyone.. a couple rough days here. Husband had a tooth extracted that was badly infected and so have spent the last couple days taking care of him. I couldn't resist when he asked me to stop at DQ for ice cream getting one for myself and so rushed cleaning and taking the dog to get spayed I didn't get any water or…
  • Great job gettting the exercise in.. you have accomplished something I haven't not been able to which is pass up a nap and exercise. I understand how waking up early effects you. I am at work at 5:30... good luck on today's goals.
  • Great job... hope today was as good as yesterday
  • 1. Stayed pretty close about 30 over.. forgot how good spagetti squash was.. would have stayed under if wasn't starved when got home and had to eat left overs to make through till I could make dinner. 2. Not one but 2 glasses of water.. excelent... 3. no snacking.. all in all I say an awesome day... Thanks for your support…
  • Daily Goals: I know seems small... but here they are 1. Stay under calories 2. drink at least one glass of water... this is huge for me.. 3. no snacking after dinner
  • Wow... all good goals... Okay so my yesterday.. I checked in way too early.. after I checked in my hubby came home with ice cream and then walked by with a wine cooler and said ... oh this is soo yummy.. of course I had to try it and then get my own. But today was better... 1. Calories goal..... yes still have 200 left to…
  • Welcome !
  • Im in. I got married this June and had tons of motivation to get into the dress.. now have slipped back one pound away from being back over 200 again... and I want to keep my promise of not going back again... I want to get back down to 150 would love some support and to give some in return.