
  • I feel the same I have been very good exercising alot (5-6 days a week) and watching what I eat staying at about 1200 calories and the scale has not budged in 4 weeks..... I do feel great and I think I am a little thinner but I know what you mean it is very discouraging when the scale does not budge.... But Keep Triing…
  • Congradulations on loosing the 20lbs with WW I hope you keep it off. Good Luck! :)
    in New Here Comment by MUJICA May 2010
  • Wow 70 min a day that is good I have been doing that half running half walking, but I am half your age and that is still hard to do.... They say if you put wrist weights on your wrist, and or ankles that could help you loose more.... Good Luck and Congradulations for your daughter :)
    in New Here Comment by MUJICA May 2010
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