pesto3000 Member


  • Chips! any and all kinds of chips! ughhh. But I haven't had any this year. So, so far so good. Its just frustrating because everyone eats chips and chips are everrryyyywhere. I wont even have a "few" or "baked" or a "healthier" form of chips simply because I feel like it will trigger me into wanting a whole bag. There…
  • Team BOLT!!!! I love team Jamaica when is comes to track and Feild anyways. But Bolt adds so much excitment. A modern day Ali at its finest! Love his confidence and that fact that he can back it up!! Plus hes cute ;-) lol I love Phelps! After all he represents my country! And he's had a super career!
  • woooaaahhhh! THIS MAKES SO MUCH SENSE! And everything you said was so SIMPLE! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
  • Im not new. But i think everyone needs a team of people to support, motivate, and encourage them! Ive learned through the MANY weight loss journeys ive been on. That doing it alone often time sucks...... Its cool at first......but on those days where you want to give up.....thats where your "slap you in the face" buddy…
  • im down!!!!!!!!!!!!! ill be 20 on Sept 29. We got that young blood. ;-) we can do it!
  • Oh em gee! I thought i was the only one! Now that im on the diet thing, Ive cravibg foods i wouldnt even normally want! UGGHHH! So frustrating!
  • I would love to join this group! Hi im Leika. Im 19, 5'9 and im a whopping 301 lbs. Thats my highest weight ever. I've struggled with my weight my entire life, once i hit highschool it got worse. I was around 275, and maintained that weight all throughout highschool. I have been on so many weight loss journeys! The most…
  • Hiii! Ive had Myfitness Pal for a whilel. Never got into the social aspect of it. I need the support though! Im starting my weight loss journey for the the umtenth time! and this time i want to STAY AT IT. So please lets encourage each othe! As much as we say we can do it on our own, you can always use that extra uplift…