

  • I like the way you think! actually I went to a nutritionist and he said I could have one meal a week where I can go nuts!
  • Toast 2 sliced of wholewheat bread. Make a mixture of chopped cherry tomatoes, salt, pepper, fresh oregano and goats feta, drizzle with a small amount of olive oil. Its a bit like bruschetta - and delicious! Or you could do egg on toast, 2 boiled eggs, mash with some low fat yogurt (instead of mayo) salt pepper fresh…
  • Squats will increase muscle - but this is a really good thing especially for weight loss. If you build or work your muscles your body spends calories repairing the muscle - even while you are not training! Cardio does not do this i.e. running etc. Don't get to hung up on weighing yourself for results you are better off…
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