

  • I totally agree with you! Its not all about the scale for me, have just discovered that my scale batteries are out and not to bothered. I would like to lose inches but if my clothes fit better or start getting to big and I feel better about myself and stronger in myself then I will be happy! :smile:
  • Hi Julia, Congrats on your new addition. I have just recently moved to Germany from Canada so I know what a difference a big move can make. I also find the bakery's don't help! haha! I will definately be checking ut your blog and think a daily journal is a great idea! Your goal sounds very acheivable to me, especially…
  • My hubby is the same way as he never gains any weight! so hard to not give in when its right in front of you! Feel free to add me!
  • Hi there! I am new (again) and wasn't on here long before I stopped, but need to have some friends to keep me motivated! Feel free to add me and I will do my best to help! good luck on your journey!