Muscle Comp is a big difference maker as well. When I played ball, I was a lot bulkier, not necessarily cut but definitely muscular. I weighed between 275-280 and I looked like I was 230-235. Scientifically 1 pound of fat takes up 20% more space on your body than 1 pound of muscle. You might be at a point where putting on…
Well we are going to a really nice dinner at a higher end italian place called maggianos. That's all I really have planned. Just a nice place to eat and talk. I thought flowers would be appropriate given the setting. We are meeting somewhere and then she is riding with me. I figured she could leave them in the car while we…
It was you. =]
Everyday, just because it motivates me if I haven't lost anything or have gained a little. Helps me eat right and remember to exercise. =]
I appreciate it. Don't give up ya'll. Its hard, but not impossible.
Thanks everyopne. I really appreciate it =]
We can do weekly wrigh ins thats fine. I don't mind. I love insanity. If anyone has twitter follow me at @VictorVegaJr There is a whole insanity support system on there. I've met so many people and coaches. ShaunT even replies to people when you tweet to him.
Im on week 2 of insanity. Ill add you! lets kill it!
Wow! You look Gorgeous! =] Congratulations!
Just an FYI muscle motivator: one pound of fat takes up 18% more space on your body than 1 pound of muscle!
Peanut butter M&M's and Orange TicTacs! I think we just became friends. =]
I completely agree with the statement that it has do do with the economic status of most races or ethnicities. I'm full Puerto Rican but my family is middle to upper middle class. We get called the "White Part" of the family. It doesnt just have to deal with weight and food habits but it deals with EVERY aspect of our…
you are probably riht, it was weird. I knew I gained a pound ortwo after the game because I was two pounds heavier at the doctors on monday morning. but then I weighed myself today and it was a huge jump. 6 pounds more than what I was weiging on monday. IDK what I could have eaten to make me jump that much.
My Cheat is Sunday lunch with my family on most days! We go out to a nice restaurant and do a full 3 course meal. I'm not horrible on those daye but Im sure the desert I eat pushes me over my calorie limit.
truthfully, yes it is. I never thought that eating more would be the key to losing weight but for me it is. I am a big guy and I normall eat maybe 1600 calories a day before because I thought if I cut down on food I would lose weight. i was wrong. I needed to eat moreand reach atleast 2300 a day so my body wouldnt go into…
I'm vic, only 19 but will be 20 soon haha, I wanna Join my peeps in their 20's! I want to lose 9+ pounds this month. 9 would be amazing and anything after that would be icing on the perverbial cake, or dressing on the perverbial salad. Whichever you prefer! =]
Let's do it man! No More Games!
Not gonna lie, sundays are my cheat day/ meal. We always go out to lunch after church on sunday to some restauraunt. Like today, we went to cracker barrel and I enjoyed my country my breakfast. But all things considered, Im usually so stuffed from that meal, I dont eat anything for the rest of the day so I guess its not…
That's what I have been trying to do. I like G2 and Vitamin Water Zero. They are both good, I just still love my soda.... I'm trying to kick the habbit completely or at least get it to being reasonable. I guess it's something I have to work on. One thing I try to do is only drink soda when I go out to eat and never at the…
Sunday's is hard for me bc my parents are pastors, so we are basically at church all day. I dont get to workout normally and we normally eat a huge lunch at a restaurant and its almost never diet friendly, but its not like we eat horribly. Sundays is harder than the rest of the week though.