jlwyatt93 Member


  • Day 1 of month 2 done! Fit test and max interval circuit, Shaun T has lost his mind!!
  • Congrats on starting the programme especially with three kids to take care of! Once you start to see results you will love it even more believe me!! As for the tiredness I get that too, I'm normally in bed by ten no later easily sleep till my little boy gets up at seven, I just put it down to the workouts being so intense…
  • Jennifer_Lynn I will definitely be posting my before and afters when I'm done with the programme, how are you finding it so far? How many calories are people eating? I suspect my lack of dramatic results so far is due to not enough calories but I'm reluctant to up it incase I just start gaining weight?? I know my nutrition…
  • Thanks for the feedback guys (: it's always good to hear from someone else that they can see a difference, I'm still pushing play, today was core cardio and balance, day 4 of recovery week done! Hopefully month 2 will kick up my results a bit, everyone says month 2 is where the results are!
  • Hey I'm new on here (I've used MFP to track my food for ages just never been on here) I've just finished month 1 of insanity, I'm now on day 2 of recovery week and needing some motivation, I took my 30 day progress pics and I'm not sure if it's just me but I can't see much of a difference. Thought I'd post them on here and…