AWiserRacquell Member


  • I learned that the digital scales are the best scales to weight yourself so I weighed myself today and I'm currently 179.5 and I will NOT be on the scale till Vday....I will like to see myself at 165 by then.
  • Hello everyone....I'm glad to be apart of the No Scale till Vday chanllenge....I like challenging myself.. For this challenge I brought a scale today last weight in was 182 I will like to be at least 160 or less. I know it will be a challenging road but we will NEVER get anywhere without a chanllenge. SO, IM IN and I'm not…
  • Okay people I've been working hard to the goal...I said I want to achieve.....currently don't have a scale I will be purchasing one soon......
  • Count me in this challenge, I need to stay motivated and learn to challenge myself. current weight: 190 My goal of weightloss bby Christmas is 20pds IM READY!!!!!!!