I have been doing Paleo for a month, and I have lost 8 lbs so far. Without doing Paleo it was impossible for me to lose any weight no matter how much calorie counting and exercise I did, mainly because of my Thyroid issues. Currently I am pretty strict with my Paleo, but I plan to reintroduce some grains like wild rice and…
where can you get a case of GT Kombucha? Tired of paying 3.75 each time.
it_be_asin, I'll keep that in mind. I thought that I actually had to make an effort to eat that much fat. then work out like a mad person. thanks! :)
thank you! we have wholefoods and trader joe's here, I'll get more nuts.
thank you! greek yogurt, did not know, that is a great idea. I can get my calcium that way too. :)
thank you! that is very helpful! I guess I need to up my exercise as well to lower the calories at the end of the day.