You can do it... average 10 pounds a month / most people do.
you know it..
Congrats on the terrific progress! Doing great-- can't wait to see more photos in the future!
Go ahead love new friends... <3
I personally just purchased some at Wal-Mart. LOL. Not sure on which brand.. or which strength. But take them as directed 2-3 times daily.
I believe I figured it out.. between my (almost) two year old son and my keyboard keys sticking I somehow managed to re-size it! :) 30-60 min of exercise in the A.M. (carrying son with BOBA carrier!) Shake after (protein-weightloss) Thermogenic or Catalyst Green tea pills Water.. More shakes Big dinner. <3 I'm 5'3 --- so I…
Great job! You hold your weigh real well!
I have body media...