

  • Welcome to MFP, you're now on the right track. By changing your eating habits you will have already taken a huge step toward your goal. Keep up with the food tracker, it actually keeps me accountable to myself, no way am I gonna bust my calorie intake limit! In no time you are going to find new found energy just by the…
  • I try to prepare my lunches for the week on Sunday. Usually I will make a bag of lentils and add a jar of salsa, then I seperate them into 1 cup tupperware containers and freeze them. Its quick and SO nutritious, packed with protein and fiber. That and an apple takes care of me until dinner.
  • I would like to introduce myself to this great community. I am 42 y/o male. I've been married for 10 1/2 yrs and have 3 boys presently 9,8,5 yrs old. I am a full time firefighter/paramedic in a Dallas, TX suburb. I am also a former Marine. Fitness has always played a role in my life from high school athletics through my…
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