

  • Incredible! Inspiration! Whoo hoo! Looks great!
  • I had the same trouble! I started with two scrambled eggs for breakfast, and added 6 - 8 oz. yogurt after workouts and as a snack. who knew?
  • 1. Saute it with some no calorie spray, add low salt soy sauce - just a tad - and some pepper. Love! 2. You can also grill it with some of the same spray and sea salt - spray the asparagus on some tin foil, and grill away! 3. Steam it and squeeze a small portion of lemon on it. Add sea salt and pepper.
  • You ought to be proud of yourself! I wonder if they are overwhelmed at your new confidence and look, and are not ready to openly compliment you What matters, is that you are taking care of you and you can't change anything that they are doing or saying. I might say "Wow, chips? I really can't be doing that right now. You…
  • You'll be great. I actually bring a measuring cup with me and discreetly measure my portion. It allows me to join in with friends, but also to be careful for myself.