

  • i was thinking of trying this but ill shop around now. any suggestions would be grateful
  • reading that made me really upset and angry for you. but you know what, your here and your doing great, the weight loss was a LOSS and in the right direction so what if others cant know you have! your doing this for you no one else. its easy to say ignore the negativity but its easier said than done. try using…
  • hi, wow i already love this site i have it on my bb too =) your all welcome to add me as a friend. ive not been on here long but would really like the support and to knock the feeling im in this alone!
  • hi im new too, got this app for my bb and thought id take alook online. its great to know theres support out there just need the friends now lol! ive got alot to weight to loose had my little boy a year next month and its just snowballed from there really