ct2407 Member


  • Is it just dairy you don't like? Cause then I would suggest soy milk (great source of calcium too). I also do not eat a lot of meat, but prefer salmon, quinoa, lentils, black beans and greek yoghurt. My latest thing is gluten-free oatmeal for breakfast with a scoop of chocolate whey protein mixed in. It tastes like a huge…
  • This may be strange to a lot of people, but my favorite way to eat cottage cheese is with yeast flakes sprinkled on top. Enriched with vitamin B12, 8 cal a tsp, wonderful nutty flavor. Yumm.
  • 5'9", 125lb and US size 2-4. I am quite hippy though, so fitting into a 2 is really vanity sizing on the store's part I think.