There was the whole thing about them being washed in chlorine and such. Probably put more than a few people off them.
From Toronto, Canada here. :bigsmile:
I'm 5'5" and I wear anything from a size 8 to size 11 comfortably. I've been doing something similar since my weight can't make up its mind on where it wants to stay. So far its been between 150 to 165lbs.
My name is Dani. I was new as of yesterday sometime in the evening. Anyways... I'm 20 years old and have always had problems keeping my weight balanced. One month my clothes fit just fine, then the next they are too big and after that too small. Always changing. D: I've been looking for something easy and not time…
My birthday was the day after age1389's. The 26th. Was my 20th. :smile: