

  • thanks for all the input everyone. i think the tips about lowering sodium intake and augmenting water intake is a very wise one. i need to keep that in mind. I also have to say that this is the first time ever that i am actually enjoying exercising. i do not do it because i have to but because i enjoy it! it makes a…
  • Sometimes dieting IS something you do for a little while only. For some pple, the goal is only 5 to 10 LBS and it does go away fast when you are younger. I am not in any need to be on a permanent diet. my eating habits are good and i exercise on a regular basis. Pregnancy and medication however make all good efforts…
  • You look great! Congrats! hang in there and remember that the second half is harder to lose than the first. It will take longer but you WILL get there! congrats and enjoy your new life!
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