vjd317 Member


  • @flrancho Just my 2 cents - if you are not seeing results with such a dedicated weight program, have you considered bulking (eating above calorie needs) with an intense weight program to build the muscle you want? After you reach that point (typically a 6 month bulk), you slowly move into a deficit until you reach your…
  • Eating less calories than you burn. Plain and simple. However each person chooses to eat in order to achieve a calorie deficit is preference. I prefer not to restrict any food groups for adherence purposes. After that, get enough protein to maintain muscle mass - so you lose fat, not just weight. And lastly, and probably…
  • Check out IIFYM for more information on why lowering carbs is not the key to weight loss. It's calories in vs. out...Also I think a conscious effort to try to maintain muscle mass will make the process and end result a whole lot better.
  • I did put sedentary, yes. I am 5'6" 165, looking to lose about 10. Should I not sync and only add a smaller amount of calories?
  • 3500 calories more than you ate per week OR 500 calories more than what you ate per day
  • @illbethinoneday It sounds like you are doing everything right. The exercise takes consistency and time to have an impact and IT WILL have an impact. It's the right thing for your health and the right thing for your mind & body. It will also help you to look great as you lose more weight. 1200 calories a day is the…