siancatrin Member


  • You look great - keep it up lovely! X
  • Well done you!! Fab results!!!!! X
  • I do this as well - I plan for all my meals though, that way I know exactly what to buy when I go shopping! I've probably even saved some money doing it this way!
  • I started it on Sunday for the first time and it is a killer!!!!! Honestly my arms and legs have been in so much pain! But I feel better for doing it and it really is a good work out! xx
  • I started it for the first time ever yesterday! Can't believe how knackered I was after 20 minutes! But managed to complete level 1 without a break and really proud of myself! Tomorrow I have to do it as well as a gym session, eek! Legs and abs ache already but I know it's worth it! Looking forward to posting my…
  • Hi there! My boyfriend has a wheat allergy so I feel your pain - he can't eat any wheat without throwing up! So my diet has mostly become wheat free too which is great! It's surprising what you can make with just a few substitutions to things and also things you might not have thought of! You could make Moussaka as an…