

  • Depending on who your cable provider is, often they have workouts in the On-Demand section. I know my cable provider has probably 100 different ones, ranging from super high intensity to super low intensity (even for those with disabilities, etc). They are all free.
  • It looks amazing. That is actually the exact dress I bought for my wedding (6+ years ago). I still love it. Its also quite comfortable to wear all day, and I felt like it was the perfect plus size fit (in that it squished in my squishy stuff and pushed my boobs upwards)
  • Its a pet peeve of mine when people call something 'mean' when what they really mean is that they didn't want to be held accountable. "Mean" is all about intent. If I say "You're horribly fat because you keep cookies in your house and you're going to stay that way" That is mean. I meant to insult the person, but if I say…