Eskajay Member


  • Awesome-you should be very proud of yourself!! Photos don't lie !! You look fantastic & yes your little boys is as cute as a button too :wink:
  • Sal.... here's my suggestion.... I think you could increase the calorie number too; To me it does sound pretty low. I only want to shift 5kg (which I think is about 10lb) and I am on 1320cals a day. I am 46 yrs old & 5 foot 6" ( 167cm ). You're not on much more than me! But try including more proteins in to those calories…
  • Most people have covered the majority of issues but what I would like to say is don't use his behaviour (& apparent desire to control you as a person) deter you from your success. There are so many other reasons to lose weight, such as your health being the obvious main one!!! This alone should be something that ( if he…