jpbrk Member


  • Wow, you look amazing and that is such an achievement in only 2 months. What were the main things you did differently?
  • When I was really losing weight I tried to do about 1200. I didn't worry too much about going over, though I didn't too often (mostly on weekends I would overindulge and I was ok with that). I really was just extremely busy and consumed with schoolwork last fall/winter, so it became easy to ignore cravings because I just…
  • Essentially this entire year has been ups and downs. I've fluctuated from 122-115 since December. For the most part though, the bulk of it was pretty steady.
  • You look amazing! So so admirable.
  • Wow, thanks for the kind words everyone! As far as exercise, it's mostly just running 3x/week. I usually do two shorter runs (3-4 miles) and a longer one on the weekend (6-7 miles). I'm starting to do strength exercises though (your standard circuit training type stuff) so hopefully I'll start getting some muscle.
  • I should add that I also took up running! I used to hate hate hate it, but I did couch to 5k over the summer and ran my first race ever, a half marathon, in February. I feel like the dietary change was most helpful though, to be honest.
  • Thanks ladies :) I started at about 145, give or take a few, and I'm currently hovering around 117. I feel like I'm at my body's comfortable, happy weight, if that makes sense. I am still in school, I'm 22 and a senior about to face the real world! I lost a large portion of the weight from August to December last year. I…