

  • I re-added them. Thanks for the help! :)
    in 36lbs gone! Comment by mrsyam July 2012
  • Um, how do you put photos in these posts? :(
    in 36lbs gone! Comment by mrsyam July 2012
  • I've only deleted one person and that was because he was obviously single and would post weird board posts. LOL Most of my MFP friends are mommas like me. :) I say if you're not hearing from them, then delete them.
  • I had to have a c-section with my youngest because she was breech. I flipping hate that pooch that scar makes. lol
  • This might sound weird, but I had to have a c-section with my youngest due to her bring breech. Since I started actually trying to lose weight, I can actually see my scar without having to lift up the "mommy pooch". It was HORRIBLE after I had her, just awful looking. Yeah, told ya it was a weird one. :P
  • Carolina..... it gets better when they become more independent around 18 months old. Then it gets to be so much fun because they're so interactive and beginning to really communicate. Then, they turn 2 and all hell breaks loose. lol :) I'm praying 3 is better than 2. old are your twins? Good luck with the…
  • I love my kids with all my heart, but sometimes I NEED a break. My break for me is going to work. I only work 7 days a month, but those 7 days are an escape from the whining, crying, diapers, bottles, potty, etc. Having 2 children under 3 is hard sometimes.
  • Hi. I'm new here. :) Here's a little about myself: I'm Amy, 29, from Pittsburgh, PA. I have 2 little girls. Olivia is 3 (on December 8th) and Alexandria is 10 months. I wanted to join this group so I can talk to other mommas who are losing the PP weight. I never lost what I gained with Olivia, so here I am. I want to get…
    in Welcome! Comment by mrsyam November 2011