WOOOOOW! You look AWESOME! Very inspiring!
Maybe someone has already said it, but I love how it says "TRUE trek fans" you can't be that if you enjoy the Abrams movies. lol I find enjoyment in all versions of star trek! I definitely consider myself a fan.
i get the summer blues! i really do, may - september, i am just depressed. it's just way too hot and i hate it.
holy wow!! what a difference!! you all look great!
You look awesome!! 96 lbs is amazing!!
how do you say no/shut up those cravings when you're bored and all you can think of is food? this is my problem at work ... A LOT.
Amazing job!! You look great!
'Revenge'! It's waaaaay unlike anything else I watch. lol but i gotta know what happens next
i make my own egg mcmuffin at home! large egg, bacon or ham, cheddar cheese and a light english muffin! it definitely holds me over!
This! I wondered the same thing about myself when I started it and you'll be surprised how better you feel once you've done it. I noticed a change in my endurance within just a few days!
Hockey fan here! Love the Blues, more now that my Thrashers are gone. They treated us Atlanta fans pretty poorly down here. Some of us were true fans of the game! (And stood behind our stinky team through thick and thin! But mostly thin. :tongue: )
WOW!! Amazing work!
Whoa!! Nice work!!
amazing accomplishment!! be proud of yourself!!
lookin' good!! amazing dedication.
What a difference! Congrats on your loss!!
This looks delicious!!
WOW. That is SIMPLY AMAZING. Congratulations!!
210 in january of 2011. could have possibly weighed more than that, but i didn't have a scale between oct 2010 and jan 2011! that was what made me start this. i had never been over 200 before, previously the highest i had been was 199.
That's great!! And the best part is that you FEEL great! Whether the scale moves consistently or not, I hope that you will just feel good doing this. Keep it up!!
i just passed my 385th day on here! would be glad to help motivate as i am on here daily. :) i'm always happy to offer more motivation!
that's awesome! and losing over christmas is definitely something to be excited about!!
You look fantastic!! Really well done on the weight loss!
Yum!!! That looks good and I've always wanted to try a recipe like this.
I'm always afraid of this, too...but I usually do my 30 day shred at 5:30 in the morning in the living the hopes that the neighbours aren't awake downstairs! i usually do the modified ones, too so it's not quite as loud. i've had no complaints so far...but i live in fear. LOL my husband and i also do the leslie…
You look awesome!! Keep up the great work!
I'll send a request as well!! I mean, I'm more than happy to give out encouragement and support, but really...SPONGEBOB everywhere! How could I not?? lol
Fantastic!! What a great feeling!! Keep up the hard work. :D