otillie03103 Member


  • Ingredients: Soybean Oil, Pickle Relish (Diced Pickles, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Sugar, Vinegar, Corn Syrup, Salt, Calcium Chloride, Xanthan Gum, Potassium Sorbate [Preservative], Spice Extractives, Polysorbate 80), Distilled Vinegar, Water, Egg Yolks, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Onion Powder, Mustard Seed, Salt, Spices,…
  • I know that, but read the ingredients. Not every recipe is the same.
  • I read something once that said the secret sauce on Big Macs have an ingredient used in antifreeze. Yum! Maybe it's the same one?? Not sure myself as I have always enjoyed my coffee black.
  • I agree that occasional treats are ok, but I am trying to speak to overall health and not just a number on the scale.
  • I said it's what I chose for me. I think eating processed foods is BS. To each his own. I said for her to make her own choices. I can voice my opinion as much as you can. Can you honestly tell me though, that eating a chocolate bar will nourish your body (keep in mind I am talking about overall health here, not just a…
  • I have to comment about the gun we just got. We never wanted one in the house until the Boston Marathon Bombing and the aftermath less then an hour from our home in a residential neighborhood occurred. I also couldn't get to sleep after a nurse a few towns over from us were brutally murdered with machetes and her daughter…
  • We have remotes for the TV and books. I think that's about it. We have never had nightstands before we recently revamped our bedroom, so we don't think to use them that much.
  • We just got a glock 9mm for protection, but it's locked away. We are signing up for a training class on how to use it before we have bullets in the house just to be safe, then it probably will be either in our nearby closet or nightstand. We don't have kids in our house either.
  • For me it's easy because most of the items have gluten (I'm gluten intolerant), meat (I'm a vegetarian) and dairy (it makes me super congested) in it. I just breeze on by those because If I eat gluten or dairy I will feel like crap. The meat is a personal choice.
  • Agreed. I read some articles and watched some documentaries (obviously all opinions of those who made them) that stated if our bodies don't get the right nutrients, you can eat as many calories of the bad carbs or fat as you want, but essentially your body is still starving for those right nutrients. The…
  • I actually found that the more I drink water, the more I want it. I actually crave it. I like the tip about keeping water with you all day from other posts. You don't have to drink a ton at once, just sip throughout they day and it really adds up.
  • Yeah they don't count condiments either. :(
  • I just tried the TDEE calculator and it states I should be eating about 1555 calories instead of the 1200 MFP tells me to eat. Wow! Maybe I will try it for a week and see if I notice any difference.
  • Yes, I am new to them and people acted as if I should just know what they had been taught. That is why I didn't understand when I had been measuring my calories, or so I thought, and people kept saying calorie deficit. I asked for an explanation and got a "sigh" response rather then just explaining it. I was honestly…
  • I stated on the other post I would look into a scale. I never said weighing was wrong. In fact I think my husband has a scale so I will ask him to pull it out. I just feel healthier on the diet I am on. You will chose what makes you feel best and what makes you feel best isn't going to be what makes everyone else feel…
  • I didn't state that. It's apparent neither of us will change our minds, so in retrospect this entire conversation was pointless.
  • I still truly feel that I lose more weight eating healthier foods. If you disagree that is fine. There are others who believe this as well and have posted it on the message boards. You're not going to change my mind, so lets agree to disagree.
  • Above I said I do it for overall health and how I feel, not just for losing weight. If you ate two differnet items and one made you feel better then the other, would you not continue to select those foods? I never said I have a rare metabolic disorder. I am insulin resistant and gluten intolerant. I have been diagnosed by…
  • Exactly. I mention that I limit processed foods including gluten, dairy, soy, caffeine and sugar and everyone is down my throat about it, though I feel better then I have in a long time. I too did raw a couple of years ago and felt wonderful, wouldn't mind going back to it. I think people need to be respectful that…
  • Double sigh. I said I changed one thing, and you're saying the reason I wasn't losing is something else. You said I must be eating less because I am more satisfied. I said I ate the same amount of calories (which with whole foods I find I get to eat more food) which makes your response a moot point. If I didn't change how…
  • Yes I read it, you said if I weighed I would be eating less food. My point is I didn't change how I measure, just the type of food, I am still eating the same amount of calories from my measurements. If all I did was change the type of food, then the measuring is not the whole equation for me. The type of food works for…
  • She didn't call anyone a douche, she said they responded in a douchie manner. Just like we all have moments where we could have been nicer, but doesn't mean we are a jerk overall.
  • I already stated that I satyed within my calroie budget and people keep saying I kept going over it. I am using the same measduring methods I did then and am losing more weight on whole foods. It works for me. I'm sticking to it. You stick yto what works for you.
  • I understand the weight part, but if I am measuring the same way I did before, then what explains the weight loss with the whole foods if I am measuring out the same number of calories I ate before. I am using the same measuring method, so the way I am measuring can't be it.
  • I too have insulin resistance (proven with blood work) and know exactly what you are talking about. I would feel extremely hungry, lightheaded, dizzy and nauseas shortly after eating.
  • I logged everything I ate. I measured everything. How did I eat more then I thought? I am not the only person on this thread who has stated the same thing. So we are all wrong? If I did do something wrong, please explain it to me and if it makes sense to me then so be it.
  • In my previous posts I mentioned that I kept within my calorie goals eating more processed foods and still didn't lose weight. I never once said I ate more calories then I was allowed, I said I was hungry all the time eating them. I said I found the weight came off easier, keep in mind for me, I am talking about me only…