

  • I know what hypoglycemic is ... as i said im diabetic. Which means i can be both Hypo OR Hyperglycemic, I think alot of ppl maybe think you either have the "high" or "low" diabetes which just isnt the case. So i understand what your saying but ... well insulin is a hormone yeah? and its the hormone that changes sugar into…
  • hmm this is a strange post cos im not totally aware of thyroid probs buttt im type 1 diabetic , which means my body doesn't produce any insulin anymore (not because im over weight cos i hate it when ppl have that common misconception) But with insulin resistance ... surely that would cos you to have hyperglycemia (high…
  • Yeah no offence ... but i REALLY dont like the way fake boobs look , even the good ones. Especially on little girls (skinny) with the boney kinda rib bit showing in the middle of their chest and two big boobs stuck either side.. Not only that ..... ive got better things to spend my money on. And having been in and out of…
  • yeah i do wear a padded bra just now lol .... and they look well .. a Good size ;) buuut dont wanna lose too much off them and need to stuff more down there lol :P x
  • hey like everyone else has said , i think exercise is definitely needed to be healthier but maybe not to lose weight .. but with your question its made me have a few of my own. Is it true or a myth : If your severely overweight the last 10lbs (or so) are the hardest to lose? If this is true ... what about ppl who are not…
  • well thanks guys :) i was going to get it done professionally but i reckon ill just be shaving because i dont think it'll have grown in on time , BUT i do have a holiday on the 18th of june , I will save up the hairy legs for then :) LOL Thanks again x
  • i was having the exact same problem . like MFP only gives me 42 fat a day and 1400 , not i actually eat Really well .. but this still seemed so low it was difficult to make up the calories and not go over the fat lol. My question tho is bit random but seemed to fit in here with exercise. I am going out for a lovely slap up…
  • Where can i tweek it? i cant seem to find it in settings :S
  • have you tried the twinnings "green tea selection" i dont know if thats the official name , but they do taste lovely and now you've mentioned it i might try some iced. It includes green tea with : Apple and pear , citrus , cranberry, pineapple & grapefruit and orange and lotus flower.…
    in Green Tea Comment by Alanna234 May 2010
  • well thanks guys , everyone has been helpful in their own way. I eat only brown breads /rice/pasta anyway, but i guess i try not to eat too many carbs because means i have to take more insulin and can play havoc with my blood sugars. But if im honest my bloods are perfect atm so might not do any harm. I might go in a tweek…