SaraTV Member


  • It doesn't work that way. Your body doesn't do just one thing or another, but you will lose muscle as you age if you don't work on keeping it and/or growing it. That's just one of the reasons why people tend to get "fatter" as they age. Fat and muscle will be lost when you lose "weight" if you don't challenge your body to…
  • Run! Just did my first half last weekend. Great experience and ready for the full! Keep at it and chi on!
  • Hi, Sounds like you might have some over stretched or lengthened muscles in the rotator cuff area-ouch. Try strengthening the area by doing some low rows. Focus on squeezing your shoulder blades (scapula) together and try to avoid using your biceps for the "pull" part of the movement. Also, try to open up your pec area,…