

  • I get what you mean! Maybe I'll just start a blog.. man I got all these good ideas. Just wanna make a tribute to the almighty oatmeal and express myself :)
  • Thanks for the feedback guys! Nice to hear there are more oatmeal-obsessed people out there like me :) erikkausann: I agree with you. The reason I think this would be unique, is because all other cookbooks that i've seen featuring oatmeal merely include fancy, dessert-style recipes. What I'd like to see is the quick,…
  • Well, If you want to look better the strength training is key. People who don't exercise and are normal in weight are oftentimes what is referred to as "skinny fat". When you are losing weight and not exercising, not only are you losing fat but also muscle. So that means if you have any muscle, you can actually lose weight…