

  • I just started P90X today. Holy intense!
  • I can definitely see both advantages and disadvantages to have an open diary. Personally, I have experienced a lot of judging for people when my diary was open. Certain members sent me personal messages accusing me of having an eating disorder because I was under my calories for almost a week. It's really sad that people…
  • Hi ladies!! My name is Jacia. I'm a fifth year college student in Minnesota. I will have a degree in Communication Disorders and minors in Spanish and Psychology. I'm currently in the process of applying to grad schools for speech language pathology. I have always been really active, but sometimes struggle with eating…
  • I'm 23 and in my last year of college. I used MFP for a short time last year, but I didn't get into the community part. I have always loved sports and being active. In high school I played tennis, lacrosse, and ran track. I also have a long history of dance, but after my freshman year of college I had to stop. Too many…
  • I just switched to the 1200 calorie plan. My diary is open. Feel free to take a peak :)
  • I am starting 30 DS tomorrow. I have done it twice before. Great workout! I definitely feel the burn. Good luck!
  • I am starting 30 DS tomorrow. I have done it twice before. Great workout! I definitely feel the burn. Good luck!
  • I really like Fitness magazine. I've been getting it for about 2 years now. It's got lots of great healthy recipes and tons of workouts you can do at home
  • WOW! Proof that hard work and discipline really do pay off! You look amazing! I'd love to hear how you did it.
  • During the summer, I walked almost 3 miles each day from my apartment to campus. For me personally, it didn't do a whole lot to help me lose weight, but I was also eating really poorly so that certainly didn't help. A friend of mine lost 60 lbs in a year just by walking to and from campus instead of taking the bus.