

  • I read that by checking to see if you have hair from your eye brows that don't come all the way down beside your eyes that's a sign of low thyroid. Dr. Oz btw lol. I don't think I explained it very well. But I think I'm watching too much TV.
  • Hi KR, I'm also dealing with menopause. It so sucks, because unlike PMS the symptoms come whenever. I'd like to tell you what made the difference for me in weight loss. I cannot strenuously exercise, I have a medical condition and it's impossible, and so I walk. I found that even though I was walking up to 45 min. a day,…
  • Wow, looking at your first photos compared to your last, it seems I'm looking at your mother! You look flat-out great.
  • This was the quote "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT." birthday March 25
  • Your quote at the end of your message has caused a great AH-HA moment for me. It's so true, I whine about not losing the weight but the truth is it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know I should put that darn crap down! Don't buy it, don't cook or bake it, and then you won't eat it. Bad stuff doesn't just happen, someone…
  • I'm 57 and have been gaining and losing weight all my life. After brain surgery, I just gave in to eating anything I wanted. After all, I was bald and ugly, might as well get fat too. Before I knew it I weighed 218 pounds. I lost over 40 pounds but then just stopped losing. I walk every day for at least 90 minutes. I…