

  • it really depends on your lifestyle and build. I am 5'6. I was 199lbs in December of 2010... Right now I'm 168lbs. It took a whole year to lose those 30 lbs. For the first half of the year I lost it through triathlon training... I ran, biked and swam consistently every week. Once I was in the lower 180s I wasn't able to…
  • I'll drink on weekends usually. I account those calories for my daily total so depending on how much I want to drink... I have to balance my food and alcohol to come out with a deficit. Just because you're on a diet doesn't mean that you have to give it up completely. I believe in eating anything I want with moderation.…
  • When I see heavier people at a class that is too advanced for them I feel bad for them because they probably should do something else because they could hurt themselves. That doesn't happen very often. I do look around at other women at the gym and if I see someone wiht great arms or legs I use them as motivation. I smile…