

  • MANDURAH!!! The only place to be as it is all about the location, location, location...... Are there any more of us out there??
  • Thaks everyone for your positive words and great encouragement. youa re all right!! I will jsut take it one day at a time and focus on the next day as being a good one. I really appreciate all your input and woudl love to be friends if anyone needs a new one..... thanks again for all your kind words!! Blessings, Rowena
  • Best: Being able to chase after my step kids and have them running and laughing (Not sure if it is with me or at me) Worst: I don't have a worst. I honestly can't think of any negatives. I am happy my boobs are shrinking as it makes many things easier. Life is amazingy good with this small weight loss, I can't wait to get…
  • Wellity wellity wellity........It's the big day for all of us amazing 6 weeks....we will be 6 kgs lighter. My starting weight is 131.1 so I am on my way to 124.......what is everyone's goal??
  • Sounds like an amazing challenge. I am totally up for it and would love to see us all achieve it with honors!!!! Friend me, as i would love to do it!! Are we all weighing in tomorrow morning and then going 6 kgs from there?? did you all know it's only 8 weeks til Christmas!!! looking forward to a good 6 weeks and a good 6…
  • MAybe just stick to the treadmill for now and ask all your family/friends to put money towards a stopwatch/phone for Christmas.....what a fantastic present idea...and better than someone giving you chocolate!!!! You could count your steps. try and do one or 2 steps a second and go from there. I am loving c25k. up to week 3…
  • Have you tried the water free hari wash?? You get it from the chemist and it is in a spray can thing. Haven't tried it yet, but could be worth a go for you. Good luck, all the best
  • Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!!!! I am just new to this but it has been an enjoyable experience so far. You can add me iff you'd like and we can do this journey together. All the best for you time loosing weight!!! Rowe