Hi! I just started yesterday. How are you doing? Any side effects? Are you losing? Good luck
Would love new MFP friends to give support to 😊
Anyone looking for a fun spirited MFP friend that loves to motivate and inspire? Friend me please!
I'm here to help!!! Please add me too! Need motivation and can give and inspire Ctarantino512
Same here! I've been here for years and see ppl come and go. I'm here for support and motivation please add me: ctarantino512
Feel free to add me too! Always looking for some great MFP "friends"
Hi just sleeved 6 days ago but would love to help ~Cara
If anyone is still looking for support I welcome you to friend me.
Hello!!! I had my lapband slip and after two years have decided to get the sleeve scheduled for 3/28/16. Please friend me as I'm trying to find out any and everything I can about the sleeve. Thanks! Cara I'm excitedly nervous lol
Making these for Sunday football! Thanks looks amazing!!!