

  • Follow up... I went running today, outside, because yoga's not enough... and didn't eat perfect, but I did eat better... I wrote everything down... And I'm reporting back on this thread. Tomorrow will be better still.
  • 1. Respect my body by resting my injured shoulder and consequently, giving up on the 21-day challenge at my yoga studio. I haven't missed a day in two weeks, and with one week to go (they have prizes,) my shoulder *could have* but really *should not have* kept going. 2. Forgave myself for a weekend of indulgent eating with…
  • My only hesitation writing back is that I too have questions about what I'm doing, so I don't want to pretend I'm some kind of expert at this. Far from it. But... it's hard and Jacob, you're not alone. My best and biggest piece of advice is, make a routine. The kind of cardio you do, or weight lifting you do, or whatever,…