Kimmah Member


  • I know that this reply is a bit late, but my friend just showed me the topic. (noob to mfp, sorry!) Personally, I'm ok with using whatever means necessary to make sure I get home to my family every night. Yes, I run with several backups with me. I jog with my son in a stroller, so it's super easy to carry my anti-dog mace…
  • The 26th I made it to 253 calories. The 27th 1334 calories burned (long day at work!) 28th 214 calories (I was tired after a night shift!) 29th 91 calories burned - and day 4 of an asthma exacerbation. Ugh. Hate allergies. 30th - Much needed day off. Loving not having to take the albuterol every 4 hours. (it's every 5...)
  • Yesterday I made it to 255. Today might be a slower day... I've been having asthma flare ups the last few days and pushing through them. Stupid, I know. Taking steroids and taking it easier. Hopefully can still take a slow bike ride later. We'll see. 90 calories so far.
  • Ok so the 22nd ended with 300 calories burned the 23rd had none (Sundays are my day off) the 24th had 429 calories burned today's at 30 so far, but I have a walk and a bike ride planned, weather cooperating. I'll update tonight!
  • pretty sure I missed a couple of days... just in case then! Oct 20 621 cal burned Oct 21 217 cal burned Oct 22 300 cal burned so far - I'm tired so that might be it!
  • that was it for today. Still recovering from the night shift last night, lol. Proud of myself for not giving in to the huge amounts of treats that were sitting out. And all the coworkers saying, 'hey eat this!' Instead, convinced a coworker to join mfp. :)
  • Tues Oct 18 - 796 cal burned so far today: 124 burned.
  • Sunday the 16th 103
  • Oct 14 197 calories burned. Today I'm at work - should be a good day!
  • oct 13 - 135 calories today. Lil boy got pictures taken today. slack to be picked up tomorrow!
  • Yesterday: lots of driving. Unfortunately, that doesn't count as calories burned. Sad day. Today: 229 calories burned so far. Back on track! (slow walking, dog walking, and a bike ride. I <3 my new bike!)
  • Oct 6 thru today: burned 150 calories. I'm visiting family... and celebrating 4 birthdays. Lots of cake... Tomorrow we drive home (it'll be an all-day event) and then back to burning lots of calories. Promise!
  • Oct 5: 465 calories burned. Keep up the great work, team!
  • 248 more calories burned after I posted yesterday (the 3rd). Today was a slow day at work; only 746 calories burned. Ah well. ;) I love my job!
  • Ok... Oct 1st was a slow-ish day - 68 calories burned from walking the dog and taking lil boy on another walk. I'm sure there were plenty of other calories burned from chasing said little boy around, but I didn't keep track. Oct 2nd - another slow day as it was a Sunday. Took lil boy on a short walk in his stroller/car toy…