

  • That sounds like a great idea. I have lots of questions.
  • That sounds like a great idea. I have lots of questions.
  • That sounds like a great idea. I have lots of questions.
  • You could try the following : oatmeal instant or regular and sweetened it with splenda or cinammon, turkey bacon., egg beaters omelets with lots of vegetable. and a meat that is high in protien but low in fat. Also Kashi, has cereal that is low in fat and high and fiber, fat-free or skim milk. If you like toast franz has…
  • Hi...I'm in Oregon...Good Luck everyone. :bigsmile:
    in I am NEW Comment by tvon27 January 2009
  • I know the feeling my baby is 9. LOL...Good Luck to you
  • Good luck to you too. Any advice you can give will be greatly appreciated
  • Well I'm here trying to regain control before it is completely out of control. I lost 25lbs about 6 months ago and now I'm starting to regain it. I always back track when I hit my current wt. I guess its my cryptonite. My wt. goal is 190 and I need to achieve that goal. Wish me luck and good luck to all.