

  • My mom does the chair aerobic dvds, I haven't done them put she really likes them. I believe she got them at amazon.
  • I try to burn off everything I eat like today for example I ate 1179 and burned off 1458. I don't feel like I am working out enough but once I total it I am in shock I do 50 mins of Tae Bo and 40 minutes of Zumba and I went for a 20 minute bike ride with my husband and kids. I too feel like I eat plenty during the day for…
  • My goal weight is 135 and I am currently 179. I try to eat around or under 1200 calories a day. I was wondering if anyone knew how much weight you can fluctuate a day? I weighed myself 3 days ago and had lost 5 lbs but today I am back at square one 179. I know I shouldn't weigh myself so much but just curious if anyone…