lovebug7686 Member


  • Did my happy dance for you (and I counted it as excercise! LOL) LOVE IT!!! You are AMAZING and AWESOME!!! SO PROUD OF YOU!!!! Cheers to lifestyle changes (even if it is with water!!!)
  • Thank you everyone for your help! I am going to revamp some things and see what happens...I am going to start by eating my excercise calories and not worry about eating fruit or veggies....When I am hungry I usually go for bell pepper or cucumber to help feel satisfied until my next meal.
  • My current weight is 156 and my goal weight is 145 I go for a 45 minute high paced run/walk every day. I sprint every 15 mins. I try to do weight training 3 times a week but it depends on the kids activites if I can get to the gym or not. If I can't I do floor workout at home with the hubby (planks, push ups, mountain…
  • I measure EVERYTHING and I usually over estimate when I track. My husband thinks I am a measuring spoon/cup freak! LOL I don't even let him prepare my lunch for me any more because he guestimates what 2 TBS of dressing for my salad looks like. I make sure I am getting the right serving sizes.
  • Not sure how I do that (still really new to this site)...I tend to have to do cardio workouts because I cannot for the life of me figure out how to hit 1200 calories and stay under on carbs and protein. It seems if I hitmy calories I am WAY over on carbs and protein and if I stay under my carb and protein I am WAY under on…