

  • You know what is fun for me. I love searching for awesome songs that will be fun to listen to. I also go shopping for cute workout outfits, and I also imagine that I will be this amazing salsera, "Salsa dancer" who can wow the crowd with my new found agility, because I am skinnier. That is my motivation. This usually keeps…
  • You burn more with a rested body. Ask Dr. Oz! Sleep the heck in!!!
  • I know how to get out off the plateau! You need to shock your body! I would do this. I would go out and have a cheat day. Eat whatever, then plan the next day for a major workout... Like all day sweating. Go for a walk in the morning, then go for sit ups and whatever in the evening and then plan for a night of clubbing.…
  • I would say, get a good book that is full of interesting stuff. Like the new twilight series. Dr. Phil says, to replace a habit with a habit, and you could replace lazy time while you eat on the couch with a hot cool book and no food, cause your brain is way too much into the book!!!!
  • I know young the giant. I used to hang out at the local joints they would play a while back! Then they hit it big. a bunch of them are persian and indian I think.. Cool kids!