Burtmas Member


  • Cayenne Pepper helps with Metabolism as well. I also heard of a spice called Harissa Spice which also jump starts your metabolism and adds flavor. Here is a link to a website that offers great spices like these. http://www.savoryspiceshop.com/blends/harissa.html
  • I would love to have you as a friend to help support you in your weight loss journey. I know how hard it can be myself. I used to weight 194 lbs. and I am now down to 155.4 lbs. and still going strong. If you would like to add me my username is Burtmas. Just request me as a friend and I will accept.
  • There was a multitute of triggers for me. I didn't like the way I felt or looked and I was worried about my future health. Heart disease is really a big thing in my family and I didn't want to freely give myslef to Heart Disease. Especially when I have a beautiful family. Plus I wanted to look amazing for my husband.
  • Good for you :smile: That is great.