penrh44 Member


  • Hey, sorry to hear about your knees - that is rotten luck. Firstly, what ever exercise you do make sure you warm up first!!! I would highly recommend using powerplates if you have access to them, I find they help HUGELY with rehab. Is it the twisting of your knees which causes pain? For example - could you perhaps try (all…
  • Hey, Similar to other posts, I can sympatsise with your frustration. It is great that you have lost the weight (well done you!!!!!) and even better than you are feeling confident. The thing I have learnt about attractiving (quality) people of the opposite sex, is that it is all about your energy. We often seem to forget,…
  • A nice surprise to start the day, well done!
  • Well said!!! When people start to make those sorts of comments it is definitely fuelled out of thier own insecurities and PLEASE don't listen to them. You aren't losing weight for them, you are doing it for you and your health. If you change the words they use to what they are actually saying it will sound more like: "hey,…