

  • Thank you so much! Will give it a try :smile:
  • Hi there! I am 5'4 and 181 lbs. I basically gained all my weight when I was in a horrible relationship a few years back and I haven't been able to lose it. I used to be so active but then life got in the way and here I am. I just started day 2 of Jillian MIchaels Body Revolution and I have muscles that are hurting that I…
  • I have just finished day 2 of the Body Revolution and I LOVE it! I gained about 50 pounds over the past 4 years due to stress, univeristy, and just life in general. As a nurse, working 12 hour shifts is exhausting in itself when you have to get up in 8 hours and do it all over again, but, I can easily squeeze 30 minutes in…