optycal Member


  • I've had my Fitbit One since March and I LOVE it! I've lost 17 pounds because of it! Looking for friends for motivation? Go ahead and add me =) http://www.fitbit.com/user/2F8PPX
  • I agree with most of the other posters. 1200 is the lowest you should go just to stay alive! Your body NEEDS calories just to function, and if you go below 1200, you'll starve it. That can cause all kinds of horrible things (including death, obviously.) Give that calculator a try and follow some of the advice already…
  • My sweetheart took a picture of me and my three daughters playing Rock Band. I was excited to see the picture--a moment in time, captured for all eternity, showing how much my kids and I enjoy spending time together. When I looked at the picture, I cried because I looked so fat. I'm only 25 pounds over where I'd like to…