

  • Hey! I'm Ashley and am looking to lose 50 short term, 100 pounds long term! I just turned 25 and I'm ready to get my fitness back on track while I'm still young and can do it! I lost 75 pounds about 2 years ago but gained it all back plus more after a rough situation and emotional eating :( But I'm focusing on the future…
  • Hey! I'm Ashley! I'm 5'9 and just turned 25 300 Lbs even GW: 199 Hey guys! I'm ready to lose weight and get my life under control! I've gained 100 pounds in the past year and a half...unforunately after losing 100 pounds due to emotional eating after some life circumstances and I want to get it together while I'm young…
  • Omg! You look so great! Congrats! My highest was 275 and I also got down to 205 as well! Unfortunately I've gained alot of it back but seeing your pictures is giving me some extra motivation! :-)