amandaschroeder Member


  • I'm down around 2 pounds, so I'm right on track to lose my goal weight by Halloween! I'd be even farther along if I didn't have weekends where I've been going over my calorie goals!.
  • My mini goal for Halloween is to lose 10 pounds. That is just over 1 pound a week. I would love to lose more, but this is a goal I'm SURE I can achieve! That would bring me to 150 pounds :)
  • My ultimate goal is to be in the 125-130 range. My favorite snack is chips and salsa. My favorite way to exercise is Jazzercise! My favorite holiday is Christmas.
  • Even though I was hot and tired from being an a non-A/C classroom all day, I still went to Jazzercise!
  • SW: (Starting weight) 164.2 CW: (Current weight) 162.2 GW: (Goal weight for the 3 month challenge) 140 Weigh in Dates: AUG/13 165 (went up...sad) AUG/20 164 (back down) AUG/27 162.2 (much better!) Weight loss....2 pounds!
  • SW: (Starting weight) 164.2 CW: (Current weight) 164 GW: (Goal weight for the 3 month challenge) 140 Weigh in Dates: AUG/13 165 AUG/20 164 Heading in the right direction finally!
  • SW: (Starting weight) 164.2 CW: (Current weight) 165 GW: (Goal weight for the 3 month challenge) 140 Weigh in Dates: AUG/13 165
  • I am nervous too. My problem is I tend to not eat much during the day, I skip lunch a lot. I tend to either have 1) lunch duty or recess duty, 2) students working on missing work during recess, 3) an IEP or other meeting, or 4) I start socializing with another teacher and lose track of time. I also have my classroom next…
  • 164.2 Last week was 164. Gained .2, but I had my wisdom teeth pulled (so no working out on that day), and Monday I almost doubled my daily goal of calories (went out of town with my mom and daughter for the day so we ate at restaurants, rather than at home). So I know what I did wrong, I'm moving past it, and improving for…
  • My weight this morning was 164! New low weight :)
  • Hi Everyone! My name's Amanda and I'm a 3rd grade teacher in Wisconsin. School starts for me on August 29th, students start September 4th. I am 5 feet tall and currently 165 pounds, my goal weight is 125-130 pounds. I think this 10 pound challenge is a good jump start for all of us to achieve our weight loss goals!
  • Hi! I'm Amanda, 31 years old, married, and a mom to a 5 year old girl. I teach 3rd grade. I live in Wisconsin.
  • My goal is to lose between 30 and 40 pounds before Christmas. If I set my mind to it and keep trying, take things day by day, I know I can do it!